Setting up Git

Git is a distributed version control system that tracks versions of files. It is often used to control source code by programmers who are developing software collaboratively.

In other words, as a developer, you can’t live without Git.

Check that your system is up to date

Before you install Git, make sure that your system is up to date.

For Debian run the following command,

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

For Arch Linux use this command,

sudo pacman -Syu

Install Git

Install GIT to Debian with the following command,

sudo apt install git

Install GIT to Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S git

Configure Git

git config --global "firstname lastname"
git config --global ""

Note: If you use services like GitHub, you usually need SSH key(s). Here is how to create SSH keys.

For Windows

For Windows environment or for Windows users, we recommend to use Git Bash.