How to install and setup the Oh my Zsh and Powerlevel10k (optional)
If you are using the ZSH shell and you want to have some eyecandy, why wouldn’t you setup Oh My Zsh and Powerlevel10k?
If you are using the ZSH shell and you want to have some eyecandy, why wouldn’t you setup Oh My Zsh and Powerlevel10k?
In many or most cases, you don’t need these fonts, unless you want to tweak your shell or VSC.
As soon as we started this documentation project, we noticed that someone was ahead of us.
Earlier we discussed for choosing the right addons and extensions, so now let’s take a look that you don’t bloat your OS, browser or any other software with addons and extensions.
When you think about browser(s), visual studio code (vsc), WordPress or Drupal for example, they all come with thousands of installable addons, extensions and or modules.
How do I choose the right ones?