Don’t get bloated with addons and extensions

in Categories: Tips and Tricks.

Earlier we discussed for choosing the right addons and extensions, so now let’s take a look that you don’t bloat your OS, browser or any other software with addons and extensions.

When it comes to addons or extensions, it’s easy to get blind and install things you don’t need.

In some cases you might even think that the less is better. For example when we think about your computer or smart phone, I bet you don’t install software or apps, that you don’t need. The same rule applies to addons and extensions.

What’s wrong with installing a bunch of addons and extensions

So let’s break it down.

  • Every addon or extension you install consumes memory. In other words, things get slower.
  • Every addon or extension (might) is a security or vulnerability threat.
  • If you have multiple addons or extensions installed, there is a chance that two addons or extensions do the same thing or they might interfere each other, so they are not working as supposed.

So when installing addons or extensions. Take a moment to think if the addon or extension is really needed.